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Issue of Nagaland

This article talks about decades old issue of Naga people for their demand of autonomy. It discusses the chronology of events about the stand of Naga political groups, the efforts of government of India and the impact of all this on inhabitants of the territory.

Who are Naga?

What is the issue?

Historical Events

Efforts of Government of India

Demands of Naga People

Impact on Inhabitants

Clauses of Framework of Naga Peace Accords 

Who are Naga?

Naga people are groups of different tribes inhabiting in Nagaland and other territories of Manipur, Assam and Myanmar. In spite of belonging to different tribal groups, they have a common identity due to some common features. This desire to maintain their distinct identity is the ultimate cause of the age old concern of Naga communities which boost their demand for autonomy.

What is the issue?

Since British time, Naga people used to see themselves as different from the rest of India. They wanted to maintain their distinct cultural identity for which they requested even British to leave them at their own fate. In independent India, they declare their own freedom. But lack of attention towards their declaration, secessionist movements broke out.

Historical Events

Colonial Time

British annexed the territory of Assam in 1826 and further extended their desire and annexed Naga hills in 1881. Naga leaders formed Naga Club in 1918 which asked in 1929 to Simon Commission to leave them alone. In 1946, Naga National Council (NNC) was formed under the leadership of Angami Zapu Phizo. In June 1947, agreement was signed between Assam governor and Naga groups but Phizo did not agree with it. On 14th August 1947, Phizo declared freedom of Naga people. 

Free India 

In 1951, a referendum was conducted in which 99% Naga people favoured their independence. In 1952, Phizo formed underground Naga Federal Government (NFG) and Naga Federal Army (NFA). NFA wanted to achieve freedom from India using violence.

  1. Use of Force: To crush the insurgencies, government of India introduced AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) which granted special powers to armed forces in the region. Then, Phizo with some Naga rebels ran to eastern Pakistan which is present day Bangladesh and they later turned towards London. 
  2. Formation of Naga Hill Tunseng Area: In 1957, Naga people’s convention took place which sound a demand for merging Naga hills from Assam and Tunseng frontier from NEFA (North eastern frontier area). The demand was accepted and merged area was termed as Naga Hill Tunseng Area (NHTA). 
  3. Formation of Nagaland: In 1963, government of India agreed for the demand of formation of separate state and Nagaland was carved out. In 1964, elections were conducted in the newly formed state of Nagaland and article 371(A) was introduced in Indian constitution which gave special status to state of Nagaland
  4. Peace Talks: In the same year, GoI sent a peace mission to Nagaland. The mission comprised of freedom fighter Sh. Jai Prakash Narayan, the then Chief Minister of Nagaland Sh. Bimal Prasad Challiah and reverend Michael Scott. Scott was clergy member and his inclusion in peace mission indicate the representation of Christians. Naga had actually adopted Christianity during British time under the influence of Christian missionary. In 1975, Shillong accord was signed between government of India and Naga national political groups (NNPG). 
  5. Rise of Rebels: In 1980, Naga National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) was formed. In 1988, NSCN split in to two groups which were NSCN (IM) and NSCN (K). NSCN (IM) indicate Issac & Muivah and NSCN (K) indicate Khaplang who were leaders of their respective groups. In 1991, Phizo died.

Efforts of Government of India

From dealing with hard hand to politely agreeing with the demands of Naga people, government of India always tried to take all possible steps for maintaining cultural identity of Nagas and satisfying their desires but within framework of Indian constitution. Prime Minister Sh. Narsimha Rao met Muivah in Thailand in 1995 and later PM Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee met Naga leaders in Paris in 1998. In 2003, PM Vajpayee visited kohima and met the Naga leaders. During his speech, he talked about the long sufferings of Nagas which touched their hearts. In 2015, a framework was set up to end all the insurgencies between government of India and Naga National Political Groups (NNPG) during rein of PM Sh. Narendra Modi. The framework is Naga Peace Accords. Naga people see Mr. Modi as the successor of PM Vajpayee. So they have faith in him.

Demands of Naga People

Initially Nagas were adamant to the demand for a separate country of Nagalim especially during leadership of Phizo. Later, some factions agreed to step down for autonomy only. That is why Nagaland was formed. Since, Naga do not reside only in Nagaland but in nearby territories of Assam, Manipur, Arunachal, therefore one of the demand was to include territories of these states also.

Impact on Inhabitants 

There are multiple parallel governments operating in the region. Each one is following its own rules and collecting taxes. All the burden lies on inhabitants. This multi-taxation resulted in formation of ACUT (Anti corruption unabated taxation) so as to stay away from all political groups.

Clauses of Framework of Naga Peace Accords

The agreement was declared to be signed on 3rd August 2015. The proposed clauses of the framework are described here: 
  1. Sovereignty of India is to be accepted by NNPG. Thus, the demand of separation is to be ended.
  2. The Naga groups are to be disarmed. The option for Naga warriors is to either join police or army and those who are disabled will be rehabilitated in some other way.
  3. AFSPA is to be removed from the state of Nagaland and Indian armed forces will leave the territory.
  4. There would be no change in territory of Nagaland.
  5. Naga Territorial Councils will be formed in Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur. NTCs will be autonomous and not under state government but powers of state government will not be compromised.
  6. No such council will be formed in state of Assam.
  7. Institutions as cultural platforms will be set up in different states. Naga representatives will be present in these institutions. Such institutions will stay away from politics.
  8. Legislative council will be established in state of Nagaland and number of seats of Naga representatives will be increased in state legislative assembly.
  9. At present, only one MP is sent each for Loksabha and Rajyasabha from Nagaland. The number is to be increased.
The above framework was signed four years back in 2015 and till now, no progress is visible. The Naga people are adamant to the demand of separate flag which GoI is not willing to agree. The agreement is a deal with seven NNPG including NSCN (IM) but NSCN (K) is excluded which is an extremist group and even was banned by GoI. Still, it is operating from Myanmar which has made it an enemy of both governments of India as well as Myanmar. The border is sealed and security has strengthened. When the agreement will be implemented, this will result in real change in life of Nagas.             

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