Novel Corona Virus - A deadly outbreak
This article talks about the most recent global pandemic caused by novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2. It discusses the terminology associated with the outbreak of a disease and the stages of its progress. It also talks about the symptoms of novel coronavirus infection or COVID 19 disease, myths about it, scientific findings and what steps are taken by government to deal with this situation. It also details what can we do to prevent its incidence and transmission.
What is Novel Coronavirus?
What is R0?
Symptoms of COVID 19
Similar Outbreaks
Epidemiological Stages
Spread of Novel Coronavirus
Findings about Novel Coronavirus
Measures taken by Administration
Myths associated with COVID 19
How to be safe?
What is Novel Coronavirus?
"Novel" means new and "Corona" means crown. Novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 is a mutant strain of coronavirus. The term corona is used due to crown like structure of virus and novel is used because of origin of a new strain. Its infection result in COVID 19, a respiratory disease. Ordinary strains of coronavirus are responsible for occurrence of common cold or influenza. Common cold is not a reason of fear because treatment is available for them. But this new strain of coronavirus is deadly because infection caused by this strain has no treatment at present.
What is R0?
R0 is reproduction number. It is a measure for indicating the level of spread of an infection. It suggests the potential of spread of an infection. If it's value is more than 1, it indicates that infection will spread. If it is less than 1, it means the outbreak will die out. Higher the value of R0, more people will get infected from zero patient. "Zero patient" is the first human who gets infected. Suppose a disease has R0 value of 3. It means that zero patient will be able to transmit infection to three people. Now, each of these three people will further transmit their infection to further three persons. In this way, a chain begins to propagate the disease. According to WHO, R0 value of novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 is 1.4 to 2.5.
Symptoms of COVID 19
COVID 19 is a respiratory disease caused by novel coronavirus. It is manifested in the form of range of symptoms. The mild side of spectrum of its symptoms show coughing, body ache, mild fever, redness in eyes, nasal blockadge, mild nasal stiffness, nasal discharges, mild cold and flu like symptoms. On the severe side, one can suffer from pneumonia and even sepsis. In condition of pneumonia, lungs of patient gets filled with fluid and results in difficulty in breathing. Oxygen supply to body organs is interrupted leading to death. Sepsis is a result of immune response to an infection. When immune system over reacts to an infection, sepsis can occur and even lead to organ failure and mortality. Patients who are suffering from pre morbid conditions develop severe symptoms. Elderly, heart patients, diabetics, patients of lung diseases like chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma are prone to the infection of novel coronavirus.
Similar Outbreaks
In the past, we have already witnessed the outbreaks of SARS and MERS. SARS is severe acute respiratory syndrome and MERS is Middle East respiratory syndrome which are believed to be originated from camels and cats respectively.
Epidemiological Stages
An epidemic has four stages of progress.
Stage 1:
At this stage, infection comes from outside. It means that at this stage in an area, infection of a disease occurs in those people who are coming from another area which may be another country also.Stage 2:
In this stage, disease propagates not only from those coming from outside but also from local people.Stage 3:
This stage is the next level of outbreak and infection spreads in large number in community.Stage 4:
This stage is an uncontrolled situation and a stage of severe outbreak.
Currently, India is at second stage of outbreak of COVID 19.
Spread of Novel Corona Virus
Novel coronavirus can spread from individual to individual through coughing, sneezing, sexual contact. One can get infected by coming in contact of sneeze droplets of infected person either through air or by touching the contaminated surfaces. Virus can enter the body through nose, eyes, mouth.
Findings about Novel Corona Virus
Novel Coronavirus is a heavy virus so it can travel up to 1 - 2 m only in air. The research conducted by National Institute of Health of USA suggests the survival duration of Novel CoronaVirus on different surfaces. As per their findings, the virus SARS-CoV-2 stays for 2 - 3 hours in air. It stays on copper for 4 hours, and 48 hours on cardboard. It was also collected from plastic and stainless steel even after 2 to 3 days. However, research does not reveal anything about virulence of virus. This means that we are not aware that even during long existence on different surfaces whether virus has potential to cause disease or not.
Measures taken by Administration
Government of India has declared a pan India lock down on 24th March for next 21 days. Since India is in second stage of COVID 19, prevention of spread of disease is possible by social distancing. By staying at home, we can prevent the arrival of next stage. Lock down is necessary and government is committed to ensure supply of essential commodities.
Myths associated with COVID 19
There are several myths associated with the spread of Novel coronavirus. The important points to bash these myths are discussed ahead:
- There is no need to wear a mask by a healthy person. Only those who are infected and those who are in direct contact with the patient need mask. Thus, only health care personnel, relatives of patients who are in their contact, patients themselves need to wear mask. Mishandling of masks by people can trigger the spread of disease. Excessive demand of masks by people may lead to their shortage. So it is advised to wear mask only if you are infected or suspected to have infection.
- Another myth is about use of garlic, ginger, alcohol for prevention. They are not solution to this problem. Alcohol is effective for cleaning of contaminated surfaces to prevent spread of Novel coronavirus. Drinking alcohol will not inactivate virus inside human body.
- Some people believe that COVID 19 results from mosquito bite. This is absolutely false.
- It is also believed that heat kills virus. So Novel coronavirus will die if temperature rises. So rumors suggest taking hot water bath will be effective. This is not true because it needs 60°C - 70°C to get inactive. This high temperature is not bearable by human body. So hot water bath is not a solution.
How to be safe?
First of all, we should not panic. COVID 19 is not curable currently but preventable and manageable. Social distancing and correct hygienic practices can save all of us. Limiting transmission of infection between individuals can help to contain the outbreak. Observe following recommendations:- Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 - 25 seconds. Also clean your nails, areas between fingers, back side of hand.
- Do not touch your face especially with unwashed hands.
- Avoid contact with anyone who is sneezing, coughing to avoid airborne droplets.
- Use tissue paper while coughing and sneezing.
- Do not wear mask unless you are really sick.
- Avoid gatherings.
- Stay at home.
- Avoid touching railings of stair case.
- Do not share pens. If you use such shared items, wash your hands after use.
- Avoid handshake.
- Follow the guidelines of authorities.
This situation of possible severe outbreak can be prevented if we join hands together while maintaing social distance. Please be careful, disciplined and socially responsible. Please stay at home, keep safe yourself, your family, your society and entire human race. This is humble request to every human of every coubtry to maintain social distance.
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